The Online Requests For Comments - RFCs
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The search is case insensitive.
You can use the following modifiers before the words:
+ means that the word have to be present in the document (which is equivalent to AND, i.e. "all of the words");
- means that the word doesn't have to be present in the document (which is equivalent to NOT).
Default (without modifier) means that the word can be present in the document (which is equivalent to OR, i.e. "any of the words").
smtp dns sendmail - any of the words smtp, dns or sendmail can be present in the document;
+smtp +dns - both of the words have to be present in the document;
smtp dns -sendmail - any of the words smtp or dns can be present in the document but not sendmail.

The (Obsoletes RFCxxxx) refers to other RFCs that this one replaces.
The (Obsoleted by RFCxxxx) refers to RFCs that have replaced this one.
The (Updates RFCxxxx) refers to other RFCs that this one merely updates (but does not replace).
The (Updated by RFCxxxx) refers to RFCs that have been updated by this one (but not replaced).
Only immediately succeeding and/or preceding RFCs are indicated, not the entire history of each related earlier or later RFC in a related series.
The (Also FYIxxxx) or (Also STDxxxx) phrase gives the equivalent FYI or STD number if the RFC was also issued in those document sub-series.
  RFC Search. Copyright ©1999 by Dodoland Co. Web design ©1999 by WebYou.com