Q: What is WHOIS? A: The WHOIS service provides a way to check availability of a domain name.
Q: What is a domain name? A: A domain name is unique name which usually represents the organization. It consists of two parts. For example "your-name.com" - "your-name" is your preferred name for the domain name and ".COM" is the top level domain.
Q: Which domain names are valid? A: Valid domain names are:
- 26 character maximum including the 4 characters used to indentify the top level domain such as .COM, .NET, .ORG
- may contain letters, digits, and a dash ("-")
- cannot begin or end with a dash
Q: What is "www.your-name.com"? A: This is a fully qualified domain name. It must have a corresponding IP addres which identifies each mashine on the Internet. In most cases www.your-name.com is your World Wide Web server.